Dear Aspirants,
Some of the Mass Communication and Journalism questions asked in UGC-NET/JRF Examinations, 2016 are listed below.
1. Name the English daily which was derisively called as "The old lady of Boribunder".
(A) Free Press Journal (B) Indian Express (C) The Times of India (D) The Statesman (Ans : C)
2. The crusading journalists of the United States in the early twentieth century were identified as–
(A) new journalists (B) muckrakers (C) gatekeepers (D) stingers (Ans : B)
3. Immersive journalism is based on–
(A) first person narration (B) second person narration (C) third person narration (D) impersonal narration (Ans : A)
4. Identify the writer who belonged to new journalism in 1960s and 1970s.
(A) Tom Wolfe (B) Gerard Goggin (C) Upton Sinclair (D) J. Tuchman (Ans : A)
5. Paul Lazarsfeld and Robert Merton proposed .......... function of the mass media.
(A) Agenda setting (B) National integration (C) Status conferral (D) Surveillance (Ans : C)
6. The two-step flow theory emerged from the field of–
(A) Linguistics (B) Economics (C) Politics (D) Legal Studies (Ans : C)
7. The psychoanalytic theories of media were advocated by–
(A) Claude Levi-Strauss (B) Jacques Lacan (C) Ernesto Laclau (D) Louis Althusser (Ans : B)
8. The communication component of the dependency paradigm is most often referred to as–
(A) modernization (B) cultivation (C) development (D) cultural imperialism (Ans : D)
9. In a priori approach, a person assumes that something is true as it is–
(A) intuitive (B) creative (C) self-evident (D) effective (Ans : C)
10. The power of media is described as–
(A) harsh (B) hard (C) oppositional (D) soft (Ans : D)
11. The most familiar of the 'passive transmitter' is the one which uses the metaphor of–
(A) relativity (B) normative prescription (C) mirror (D) institutional autonomy (Ans : C)
12. For Marxists, mass media operate in–
(A) professional arena (B) religious arena (C) ideological arena (D) arena of plural values (Ans : C)
13. The liberal model of media and politics, according to Hallin and Mancini, is located in–
(A) Sri Lanka (B) Mauritius (C) Canada (D) Brazil (Ans : C)
14. Semiotic analysis regards media texts as a collection of–
(A) alphabets (B) words (C) questions (D) paradigms (Ans : D)
15. The traditional scientific research is–
(A) inductive (B) deductive (C) non-hypothetical (D) non-theoretical (Ans : B)
16. Yate's correction is used in–
(A) factor analysis (B) discriminant analysis (C) chi-square test (D) ANOVA (Ans : C)
17. The value necessary to reject a null hypothesis is identified as–
(A) rejection value (B) cut-off value (C) critical value (D) matrix value (Ans : C)
18. Research questions and hypotheses are investigated with the help of statistical procedures called–
(A) internal tests (B) external speculations (C) arbitration (D) algorithm (Ans : D)
19. The probability of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true, means–
(A) Type I error (B) Type II error (C) Type III error (D) Type IV error (Ans : A)
20. Discourse analysis is the analysis of a text through the identification of–
(A) repetitiveness (B) opinions (C) language (D) objects (Ans : C)
21. For summarisation, the positivist researchers prefer–
(A) specific individuals (B) general categories (C) unique explanations (D) special categories (Ans : B)
22. Social control in media organizations are normally exercised through–
(A) legal procedures (B) formal channels (C) informal channels (D) religious codes (Ans : C)
23. Which country included free expression as part of the Human Rights Act?
(A) USA (B) Sweden (C) Denmark (D) The UK (Ans : D)
24. The problem of hyphenated identities is related to .......... in international communication.
(A) Copyright issues (B) Trade and Commerce (C) Alienated Economy (D) Contra-flows of information (Ans : D)
25. If some media houses have controlling shares in non-media companies, it is known as–
(A) Horizontal ownership (B) Cross-media ownership (C) Vertical ownership (D) Conglomerate media ownership (Ans : D)
26. Free market processes, it is argued, have given rise to .......... ownership of newspapers.
(A) trust (B) plutocratic (C) co-operative (D) idealistic (Ans : B)
27. Official sources are used in media because of their .......... on the subject.
(A) expertise (B) fairness (C) emotional attachment (D) bias (Ans : A)
28. The importance of an event in relation to other potential news stories is labelled as–
(A) Message clarity (B) Message parity (C) Message intensity (D) Message relativity (Ans : C)
29. Gatekeeping in newspapers is usually associated with–
(A) views (B) news (C) features (D) advertisements (Ans : B)
30. The news ingredients of balance and fairness are used to under- stand the concept of reporting.
(A) investigative (B) interpretative (C) impersonal (D) embedded (Ans : C)
31. Episodic framing is the characteristic of–
(A) newspapers (B) magazine ads (C) television news (D) documentary films (Ans : C)
32. The thematic framing is largely used by–
(A) radio (B) television (C) web portals (D) newspapers (Ans : D)
33. .......... is a simultaneous real time distribution of any media.
(A) Networking (B) Broadcasting (C) Protocol (D) Transferring (Ans : B)
34. Which one of the following is the free audio editing software?
(A) Audacity (B) GIMP (C) Adobe Premiere (D) Picasa (Ans : A)
35. A series of recorded audio episodes to which audience can subscribe is known as–
(A) Vodcast (B) Podcast (C) Sound forge (D) Voice-over Internet protocol (Ans : B)
36. The major objective of a community radio station is–
(A) infotainment (B) entertainment (C) economic profit (D) social inclusion (Ans : D)
37. The specific items in a TV programme budget are called–
(A) essentials (B) circular items (C) line items (D) recurring items (Ans : D)
38. Institutionalised stereotypes are referred to as–
(A) credibility indicators (B) etiquettes (C) myths (D) customs (Ans : C)
39. "Everybody is doing", a theme promoted through a media channel is known as–
(A) Band wagon (B) Name calling (C) Transfer (D) Card-stacking (Ans : A)
40. For a public relations practitioner, status difference is one of the main barriers in–
(A) mass communication (B) intra-personal communication
(C) impersonal communication (D) organizational communication (Ans : D)
41. The four models of public relations describe the different forms of communication between an organisation and its stakeholders were developed by–
(A) Edward Bernays (B) Ivy Lee (C) Walter Lippman (D) James Gruing and Todd Hunt (Ans : D)
42. Poster panel facing approaching traffic is referred to as .......... .
(A) Banners (B) Head-on-site (C) Flexography (D) Display balloons (Ans : B)
43. Values and Life Style (VALS) classification was developed by–
(A) David Ogilvy (B) Arnold Mitchell (C) Philip Kotler (D) Edward Bernays (Ans : B)
44. The documentary, 'Celluloid man' is the life history of–
(A) Shyam Benegal (B) Adur Gopalakrishnan (C) P. K. Nair (D) Girish Kasaravalli (Ans : C)
45. Perfect TV of Japan is owned by–
(A) Graham Maxwell (B) Mukesh Ambani (C) Bill Gates (D) Rupert Murdoch (Ans : D)
46. A cutline under a graphic illustration is popularly identified as–
(A) line cast (B) pictureline (C) legend (D) blackline (Ans : C)
47. Columbia pictures is owned by–
(A) Matsushita (B) Seagram (C) Sony (D) Samsung (Ans : B)
48. Events that change people's lives are classified as–
(A) Value (B) News (C) Lies (D) Intro (Ans : B)
49. Journalese is known for its–
(A) Complexity (B) Simplicity (C) Inclusivity (D) Exhaustiveness (Ans : C)
50. The news agency of Italy is–
(A) DP A (B) EFE (C) PANA (D) ANSA (Ans : D)