RRB Office Assistant Exam of the year 2015 held on dated 12 September, 2015. We are giving 40 questions of Reasoning of this exam with answers. These questions not only Reasoning test questions but will useful for upcoming government exams also.
Directions (1-5) : In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statements and select the appropriate answer.
Give answer :
(a) If either conclusion I or II is true
(b) If only conclusion I is true
(c) If both conclusions I and II are true
(d) If neither conclusion I nor II is true
(e) If only conclusion II is true
1. Statements :
C > W ≥ E = R < B < S ; H < R ≥ D
Conclusions : I. C > D
II. H < S
(Ans : c)
2. Statements :
V = D < Y < A ≥ G ≥ E ; P = A; R <V
Conclusions : I. E = P
II. P > E
(Ans : c)
3. Statements : S > J = T < O ; T < P
Conclusions : I. S > O
II. P < S
(Ans : d)
4. Statements :
V = D < Y < A ≥ G ≥ E ; P = A ; R < V
Conclusions : I. R < A
II. V > G
(Ans : b)
5. Statements :
C > W ≥ E = R < B < S ; H < R ≥ D
Conclusions : I. B > C
II. W ≥ D
(Ans : e)
Directions (6-10) : Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there is equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-L, T, U, V, W, X and Y are seated and all of them are facing south. In row-2, B, C, D, E, F and G are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. Only two people sit to the left of E. Only one person sits between E and F. V is an immediate neighbour of the one who faces F. X sits second to the right of V. Only two people sit between X and T. G faces one of the immediate neighbours of X. Y sits second to the right of U. D faces W. B does not face X.
6. What is the position of U with respect to T ?
(a) Second to the left (b) Second to the right (c) Third to the left
(d) Third to the right (e) Fourth to the right (Ans : b)
7. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and hence form a group. Which of them does not belong to that group?
(a) V (b) E (c) U (d) W (e) B (Ans : d)
8. Who amongst the following is facing V?
(a) B (b) E (c) G (d) F (e) C (Ans : a)
9. Who amongst the following is facing T?
(a) B (b) G (c) E (d) C (e) F (Ans : e)
10. Which of the following statements is true regarding C ?
(a) C sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. (b) C is an immediate neighbour of B.
(c) C faces U. (d) C faces one of the immediate neighbours of V.
(e) None of the given statements is true. (Ans : e)
Directions (11-12) : Study the following information and answer the given questions. Point B is 4m to the south of point A. Point C is 5m to the east of point B. Point D is 4m to the north of point C. Point E is 10m to the west of point D. Point F is 4m to the south of point E.
11. Which of the following represents the direction of point
A with respect to point C ?
(a) North-west (b) North (c) North-east (d) South-west (e) South-east (Ans : a)
12. How far is point B from point F ?
(a) 7 m (b) 5 m (c) 4 m (d) 10 m (e) 2 m (Ans : b)
Directions (13-17) : In these questions, •two/three statements followed by two conclusions I and II have been given. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer :
(a) If neither conclusion I nor II is true
(b) If both conclusions I and II are true
(c) If either conclusion I or II is true
(d) If only conclusion II is true
(e) If only conclusion I is true
13. Statements : All roses are lotuses. Some lotuses are orchids. No orchid is a daisy.
Conclusions :
I. All rows are orchids.
II. No daisy is a lotus. (Ans : a)
14. Statements : Some huts are canopies. Some canopies are tents.
Conclusions :
I. No tent is a hut.
II. At least some tents are huts. (Ans : c)
15. Statements : Some salads are vegetables. All vegetables are fruits. All fruits are juices.
Conclusions :
I. All vegetables are juices.
II. Some salads are definitely not fruits. (Ans : e)
16. Statements : No stem is a root. Some roots are trunks. All trunks are woods.
Conclusions :
I. All trunks can never be stems.
II. At least some roots are woods. (Ans : b)
17. Statements : All flowers are garlands. No garland is an accessory.
Conclusions :
I. All garlands are flowers.
II. No flower is an accessory. (Ans : d)
18. This question is based on the given four-digit numbers :
2413 9406 8492 6736 4940
Which of the following will be the sum of the fourth digit of the number which is third from the left and the second digit of the number which is first from the right?
(a) Other than those given as options
(b) 5 (c) 12 (d) 9 (e) 11 (Ans : e)
19. How will the word GRAPES be written, if all its letters are arranged in alphabetical order and then each letter is replaced by its immediately next letter in the English alphabetical series?
(a) CGIPRS (b) BEIQSR (c) BFHQST (d) CEUPTS (e) BFHQUW (Ans : c)
20. In a certain code language, 'BAKED' is coded as 'YZPVW' and 'PRINT' is coded as 'KIRMG', then how will 'SHRED' be coded in the same code language ?
(a) HSIVW (b) HSITH (c) GRJVW (d) GRJJV (e) Cannot be determined (Ans : a)
Directions (21-25) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight friends- Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them 'sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones of those who sit in the middle of the sides face the centre while those who sit at the four corners face outside (i. e. opposite to the centre). R sits to immediate left of T. T sits at one of the corners of the table. Only two people sit between R and W. X sits second to right of S. S faces the same direction as W (i. e. , if We faces the centre then S also faces the centre and vice-versa.) U is neither an immediate neighbour of X nor T. V is not an immediate neighbour of W.
21. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(a) X (b) Q (c) V (d) R (e) U (Ans : a)
22. Who sit exactly between R and W when counted from the left, of W?
(a) Q, T (b) S, V (c) S, U (d) V, X (e) U, X (Ans : a)
23. Who sits second to the right of U?
(a) X (b) R (c) W (d) T (e) Q (Ans : e)
24. Which of the following is true regarding Q ?
(a) None of the given options is true (b) Q is an immediate neighbour of R
(c) T sits to immediate left of Q (d) Q sits exactly between U and S
(e) Q faces outside (Ans : a)
25. What is the position of X with respect to T ?
(a) Third to the left (b) Second to the right (c) Fourth to the left
(d) Second to the left (e) Third to the right (Ans : d)
Directions (26-30) : Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.
'keep your eyes open' is written as 'nx co kh wd'
'eyes on school bus' is written as 'vy co rs te'
'keep bag in bus' is written as 'rs ef bn kh'
'open your school bag' is written as 'wd ef nx vy'
(All codes are two letter codes only)
26. What is the code for 'bus' in the given code language?
(a) rs (b) vy (c) bn (d) ef (e) Other than those given as options (Ans : a)
27. In the given code language, what does the code 'nx' stand for ?
(a) in (b) Either 'your' or 'open' (c) eyes
(d) school (e) Either 'bag' or 'keep' (Ans : b)
28. What may be the possible code for 'garbage bag' in the given code language?
(a) av bn (b) ef av (c) kh bn (d) efkh (e) nx rs (Ans : b)
29. What is the code for 'school' in the given code language?
(a) vy (b) nx (c) co (d) wd (e) ef (Ans : a)
30. If 'keep on track' is coded as 'kh pe te' in the given code language, then what is the code for 'track' ?
(a) te (b) rs (c) kh (d) Cannot be determined (e) pe (Ans : e)
Directions (31-35) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions.
A building has eight floors numbered one to eight, in such a way that the ground floor is numbered one, the floor above it, number two and so on such that the topmost floor is numbered eight. One out of eight people viz, J, K, L, M, R, S, T and U lives on one of these floors. L lives on an even numbered floor but not on floor number 2. Only three people live between L and R. J lives on an odd numbered floor. Only two people live between J and M. J lives on a floor above M. U lives immediately below T. U does not live on any of the floors above R. K does not live on the lowermost floor.
31. Which of the following is true with respect to the given arrangement?
(a) S lives on the lowermost floor. (b) L lives on a floor immediately above M's floor.
(c) None of the given options is true. (d) K lives on an even numbered floor.
(e) L lives on floor numbered 6. (Ans : a)
32. Who lives on floor number 3 ?
(a) U (b) M (c) T (d) J (e) K (Ans : e)
33. Who lives on the topmost floor (i.e. floor numbered 8) ?
(a) R (b) T (c) K (d) S (e) L (Ans : a)
34. Who amongst the following lives on the floor immediately below the floor on which U lives?
(a) K (b) L (c) J (d) M (e) No one as U lives on the lowermost floor. (Ans : c)
35. Who live exactly between the floors on which J and M live?
(a) L, S (b) L, T (c) R, U (d) S, T (e) K, L (Ans : e)
36. All the letters of the word CRUMBLE are arranged as per the English alphabetical series. Then a meaningful English word (starting with L) is formed 'with the second, fourth, sixth and seventh alphabets so formed, which of the following will be the third letter of the 'word from the left?
(a) U (b) No meaningful English word can be formed (c) R (d) E (e) C (Ans : b)
37. How many alphabets (as per the English alphabetical order) are there between the second and seventh letters of the word SACREDLY?
(a) 8 (b) 12 (c) 7 (d) 10 (e) 15 (Ans : d)
Directions (38-40) : Study the following information and answer the given questions.
K is the father of J. J is the sister of L. L is the mother of D. K is married to T. T has only two daughters. T is the mother of U. T is the sister of M.
38. How is T related to D ?
(a) Mother (b) Aunt (c) Grandmother (d) Cannot be determined (e) Granddaughter (Ans : c)
39. How is M related to L ?
(a) Brother (b) Sister (e) Father (d) Mother (e) Cannot be determined (Ans : e)
40. If R is married to U, then how is R related to T ?
(a) Son (b) Daughter (e) Cannot be determined (d) Daughter-in-law (e) Son-in-law (Ans : d)
Directions (1-5) : In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statements and select the appropriate answer.
Give answer :
(a) If either conclusion I or II is true
(b) If only conclusion I is true
(c) If both conclusions I and II are true
(d) If neither conclusion I nor II is true
(e) If only conclusion II is true
1. Statements :
C > W ≥ E = R < B < S ; H < R ≥ D
Conclusions : I. C > D
II. H < S
(Ans : c)
2. Statements :
V = D < Y < A ≥ G ≥ E ; P = A; R <V
Conclusions : I. E = P
II. P > E
(Ans : c)
3. Statements : S > J = T < O ; T < P
Conclusions : I. S > O
II. P < S
(Ans : d)
4. Statements :
V = D < Y < A ≥ G ≥ E ; P = A ; R < V
Conclusions : I. R < A
II. V > G
(Ans : b)
5. Statements :
C > W ≥ E = R < B < S ; H < R ≥ D
Conclusions : I. B > C
II. W ≥ D
(Ans : e)
Directions (6-10) : Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in such a way that there is equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-L, T, U, V, W, X and Y are seated and all of them are facing south. In row-2, B, C, D, E, F and G are seated and all of them are facing north. Therefore in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. Only two people sit to the left of E. Only one person sits between E and F. V is an immediate neighbour of the one who faces F. X sits second to the right of V. Only two people sit between X and T. G faces one of the immediate neighbours of X. Y sits second to the right of U. D faces W. B does not face X.
6. What is the position of U with respect to T ?
(a) Second to the left (b) Second to the right (c) Third to the left
(d) Third to the right (e) Fourth to the right (Ans : b)
7. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and hence form a group. Which of them does not belong to that group?
(a) V (b) E (c) U (d) W (e) B (Ans : d)
8. Who amongst the following is facing V?
(a) B (b) E (c) G (d) F (e) C (Ans : a)
9. Who amongst the following is facing T?
(a) B (b) G (c) E (d) C (e) F (Ans : e)
10. Which of the following statements is true regarding C ?
(a) C sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. (b) C is an immediate neighbour of B.
(c) C faces U. (d) C faces one of the immediate neighbours of V.
(e) None of the given statements is true. (Ans : e)
Directions (11-12) : Study the following information and answer the given questions. Point B is 4m to the south of point A. Point C is 5m to the east of point B. Point D is 4m to the north of point C. Point E is 10m to the west of point D. Point F is 4m to the south of point E.
11. Which of the following represents the direction of point
A with respect to point C ?
(a) North-west (b) North (c) North-east (d) South-west (e) South-east (Ans : a)
12. How far is point B from point F ?
(a) 7 m (b) 5 m (c) 4 m (d) 10 m (e) 2 m (Ans : b)
Directions (13-17) : In these questions, •two/three statements followed by two conclusions I and II have been given. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer :
(a) If neither conclusion I nor II is true
(b) If both conclusions I and II are true
(c) If either conclusion I or II is true
(d) If only conclusion II is true
(e) If only conclusion I is true
13. Statements : All roses are lotuses. Some lotuses are orchids. No orchid is a daisy.
Conclusions :
I. All rows are orchids.
II. No daisy is a lotus. (Ans : a)
14. Statements : Some huts are canopies. Some canopies are tents.
Conclusions :
I. No tent is a hut.
II. At least some tents are huts. (Ans : c)
15. Statements : Some salads are vegetables. All vegetables are fruits. All fruits are juices.
Conclusions :
I. All vegetables are juices.
II. Some salads are definitely not fruits. (Ans : e)
16. Statements : No stem is a root. Some roots are trunks. All trunks are woods.
Conclusions :
I. All trunks can never be stems.
II. At least some roots are woods. (Ans : b)
17. Statements : All flowers are garlands. No garland is an accessory.
Conclusions :
I. All garlands are flowers.
II. No flower is an accessory. (Ans : d)
18. This question is based on the given four-digit numbers :
2413 9406 8492 6736 4940
Which of the following will be the sum of the fourth digit of the number which is third from the left and the second digit of the number which is first from the right?
(a) Other than those given as options
(b) 5 (c) 12 (d) 9 (e) 11 (Ans : e)
19. How will the word GRAPES be written, if all its letters are arranged in alphabetical order and then each letter is replaced by its immediately next letter in the English alphabetical series?
(a) CGIPRS (b) BEIQSR (c) BFHQST (d) CEUPTS (e) BFHQUW (Ans : c)
20. In a certain code language, 'BAKED' is coded as 'YZPVW' and 'PRINT' is coded as 'KIRMG', then how will 'SHRED' be coded in the same code language ?
(a) HSIVW (b) HSITH (c) GRJVW (d) GRJJV (e) Cannot be determined (Ans : a)
Directions (21-25) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight friends- Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them 'sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones of those who sit in the middle of the sides face the centre while those who sit at the four corners face outside (i. e. opposite to the centre). R sits to immediate left of T. T sits at one of the corners of the table. Only two people sit between R and W. X sits second to right of S. S faces the same direction as W (i. e. , if We faces the centre then S also faces the centre and vice-versa.) U is neither an immediate neighbour of X nor T. V is not an immediate neighbour of W.
21. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(a) X (b) Q (c) V (d) R (e) U (Ans : a)
22. Who sit exactly between R and W when counted from the left, of W?
(a) Q, T (b) S, V (c) S, U (d) V, X (e) U, X (Ans : a)
23. Who sits second to the right of U?
(a) X (b) R (c) W (d) T (e) Q (Ans : e)
24. Which of the following is true regarding Q ?
(a) None of the given options is true (b) Q is an immediate neighbour of R
(c) T sits to immediate left of Q (d) Q sits exactly between U and S
(e) Q faces outside (Ans : a)
25. What is the position of X with respect to T ?
(a) Third to the left (b) Second to the right (c) Fourth to the left
(d) Second to the left (e) Third to the right (Ans : d)
Directions (26-30) : Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.
'keep your eyes open' is written as 'nx co kh wd'
'eyes on school bus' is written as 'vy co rs te'
'keep bag in bus' is written as 'rs ef bn kh'
'open your school bag' is written as 'wd ef nx vy'
(All codes are two letter codes only)
26. What is the code for 'bus' in the given code language?
(a) rs (b) vy (c) bn (d) ef (e) Other than those given as options (Ans : a)
27. In the given code language, what does the code 'nx' stand for ?
(a) in (b) Either 'your' or 'open' (c) eyes
(d) school (e) Either 'bag' or 'keep' (Ans : b)
28. What may be the possible code for 'garbage bag' in the given code language?
(a) av bn (b) ef av (c) kh bn (d) efkh (e) nx rs (Ans : b)
29. What is the code for 'school' in the given code language?
(a) vy (b) nx (c) co (d) wd (e) ef (Ans : a)
30. If 'keep on track' is coded as 'kh pe te' in the given code language, then what is the code for 'track' ?
(a) te (b) rs (c) kh (d) Cannot be determined (e) pe (Ans : e)
Directions (31-35) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions.
A building has eight floors numbered one to eight, in such a way that the ground floor is numbered one, the floor above it, number two and so on such that the topmost floor is numbered eight. One out of eight people viz, J, K, L, M, R, S, T and U lives on one of these floors. L lives on an even numbered floor but not on floor number 2. Only three people live between L and R. J lives on an odd numbered floor. Only two people live between J and M. J lives on a floor above M. U lives immediately below T. U does not live on any of the floors above R. K does not live on the lowermost floor.
31. Which of the following is true with respect to the given arrangement?
(a) S lives on the lowermost floor. (b) L lives on a floor immediately above M's floor.
(c) None of the given options is true. (d) K lives on an even numbered floor.
(e) L lives on floor numbered 6. (Ans : a)
32. Who lives on floor number 3 ?
(a) U (b) M (c) T (d) J (e) K (Ans : e)
33. Who lives on the topmost floor (i.e. floor numbered 8) ?
(a) R (b) T (c) K (d) S (e) L (Ans : a)
34. Who amongst the following lives on the floor immediately below the floor on which U lives?
(a) K (b) L (c) J (d) M (e) No one as U lives on the lowermost floor. (Ans : c)
35. Who live exactly between the floors on which J and M live?
(a) L, S (b) L, T (c) R, U (d) S, T (e) K, L (Ans : e)
36. All the letters of the word CRUMBLE are arranged as per the English alphabetical series. Then a meaningful English word (starting with L) is formed 'with the second, fourth, sixth and seventh alphabets so formed, which of the following will be the third letter of the 'word from the left?
(a) U (b) No meaningful English word can be formed (c) R (d) E (e) C (Ans : b)
37. How many alphabets (as per the English alphabetical order) are there between the second and seventh letters of the word SACREDLY?
(a) 8 (b) 12 (c) 7 (d) 10 (e) 15 (Ans : d)
Directions (38-40) : Study the following information and answer the given questions.
K is the father of J. J is the sister of L. L is the mother of D. K is married to T. T has only two daughters. T is the mother of U. T is the sister of M.
38. How is T related to D ?
(a) Mother (b) Aunt (c) Grandmother (d) Cannot be determined (e) Granddaughter (Ans : c)
39. How is M related to L ?
(a) Brother (b) Sister (e) Father (d) Mother (e) Cannot be determined (Ans : e)
40. If R is married to U, then how is R related to T ?
(a) Son (b) Daughter (e) Cannot be determined (d) Daughter-in-law (e) Son-in-law (Ans : d)