How to use an adverb correctly

Correct Usage of Adverbs
Incorrect :
Everybody feels contentedly. Correct :
He seems happily. Correct :
She looks sadly. Correct :
This food tastes sweetly. Correct :
That milk smells sourly. Correct :
The music sounds pleasantly. Correct :
Note :
अगर subject के बाद feel, seem, look, appear, sound, taste या smell रहे तो उसके बाद आने वाला शब्द adjective होता है, adverb नहीं। किन्तु अन्य structure में adverb आ सकता है, जैसे–
He looked at us sadly/happily/angrily.
She tasted/smell the food carefully/quickly.
They sounded the bell loudly/noisily.

Incorrect :
I don’t hardly know this girl. Correct :
He can’t scarcely see in this light. Correct :
Note : Hardly तथा scarcely का अर्थ होता है 'शायद' ही तथा इनमें negative भाव छिपा रहता है। अत: इनके साथ negative no/not का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।

Incorrect :
He came always late . Correct :
She did it never. Correct :
We went often there. Correct :
visit him frequently while in Delhi. Correct :
Note : Always, never, often, generally, sometimes, quite, hardly, nearly, frequently, almost, just, usually तथा scarcely—subject और principal verb के बीच में आते है।

Incorrect :
He always is early. Correct :
She never has been early. Correct :
They often will go there. Correct :
Note : Always, never, often, generally, sometimes, usually, already, almost, just, nearly, quite, hardly, scarely का प्रयोग verb to be (am, is, are….) तथा auxiliaries के बाद किया जाता है।

Incorrect :
The water of this river is too pure. Correct :
He is very blind to read small print. Correct :
This house is too much small for me. Correct :
Note : Too का अर्थ होता है–आवश्यकता से अधिक, हद से ज्यादा; very का अर्थ होता है : अत्यंत, अधिक।
The adverb too means ‘more than enough’ and should not be used instead of very or much.

Incorrect :
I am quite sorry to hear it. Correct :
This climate is quite injurious to health. Correct :
He is almost quite well. Correct :
Note : Quite का अर्थ होता है–पूर्णतया, पूर्णरूपेण (perfectly, completely); very का अर्थ होता है–बहुत। Quite के पहले किसी qualifying word (जैसे almost) का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।

Incorrect :
He is very friendly enough to help me.  Correct :
Note : Enough का अर्थ होता है– पर्याप्त मात्रा में ‘the proper limit or amount’ अत: इसके पहले very या much का प्रयोग निरर्थक है।

Incorrect :
He eagerly wishes to do it. Correct :
She sang last night beautifully. Correct :
Note : Adverb को यथासंभव उस शब्द के बाद रखना चाहिए जिसको वह qualify करता हैं।

Incorrect :
No one saw us there fortunately.  Correct :
He was fortunately not present there. Correct :
Note : अगर adverb पूरे वाक्य को qualify करे तो उसे वाक्य के प्रारंभ में रखा जाता है।

Incorrect :
He quickly ran. Correct :
They immediately disappeared. Correct :
Note : यदि adverb किसी intransitive verb को qualify करे तो वह adverb उस intransitive verb के बाद आता है।

Incorrect :
I only worked two sums. Correct :
He only succeeded in the exam. Correct :
Note : Only जिस word को qualify करे, उसे उस शब्द के ठीक पहले रखना चाहिए।

Incorrect :
No boy other but Hari has done it. Correct :
It is nothing else than pride. Correct :
Note : No other के बाद than आता है, किन्तु else के बाद but प्रयुक्त होता है, than नहीं।

Incorrect :
I hit him hardly. Correct :
He was hardly-hit by his friend’s death. Correct :
Note : Hardly का अर्थ होता है– 'करीब-करीब नहीं', किन्तु hard का अर्थ होता है– 'जोर से'।

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