Origin of Life Questions & Answers MCQ for Upcoming Exams

The origin of life refers to the process by which living organisms arose from non-living matter, such as organic compounds and simple cells, through natural processes over a long period of time. It is the scientific study of how life first began on Earth and the mechanisms that drove the formation and development of the first living organisms. While the exact origins of life are not yet fully understood, many theories and hypotheses have been proposed to explain how life may have emerged, including the RNA world hypothesis, the metabolism first hypothesis, and the panspermia hypothesis.

All important questions related to Origin of Life are given here. It also includes questions asked in previous examinations. So that complete marks can be obtained by giving the correct answer.

Origin of Life Questions and Answers

1. Mammoth is the ancestor of [RAS/RTS (Pre) 2008]
(A) dog
(B) horse
(C) camel
(D) elephant ✔

2. Among the following which one is not an ape? [IAS (Pre) 2008]
(A) Gibbon
(B) Urangutan
(C) Gorilla
(D) Langur ✔

3. According to recent proof, the life on earth emerged approximately
(A) before 20,000 years
(B) before 2,00,000 years
(C) before 20,0000 years
(D) before 2,000,000,000 years ✔

4. Which is the oldest organism on earth [UPPSC (Mains) 2008]
(A) Blue-green algae ✔
(B) Fungi
(C) Amoeba
(D) Euglena

5. Early atmosphere contained methane and other hydrocarbons they have been now replaced by [BPSC (Pre) 1995]
(A) nitrogen
(B) oxygen
(C) carbon dioxide ✔
(D) hydrogen

6. Theory of origin of life as a result of chemical evolution has been properly explained by
(A) Stanley Miller
(B) Darwin
(C) Oparin ✔
(D) S Fox

7. Oparin and Haldane's theory is also called
(A) Chemical theory of origin of life
(B) Modern theory of origin of life
(C) Naturalistic theory
(D) All of the above ✔

8. The first life on the earth was developed through
(A) chemical evolution ✔
(B) panspermia
(C) biogenesis
(D) abiogenesis

9. Which of the following evolved first on the primitive earth?
(A) Viroids
(B) Coacervates ✔
(C) Cyanobacteria
(D) Mycoplasma

10. Organic evolution is also called
(A) chemical evolution
(B) stellar evolution
(C) biological evolution ✔
(D) All of the above

12. Coenozoic era is known as an age of
(A) amphibians and lycopods
(B) marine invertebrates ✔
(C) reptiles and gymnosperms
(D) mammals and modern flora

13............. is a scientific discipline concerned with the study of plant pollen, spores and certain microscopic planktonci organisms, in both, living and fossil form. [SSC CGL 2019]
(A) Paleobotany
(B) Ethnobotany
(C) Dendrology
(D) Palynology ✔

14. Dinosaurs were [UP UDA/LDA (Pre) 2001]
(A) Cenozoic reptiles
(B) Mesozoic birds
(C) Paleozoic amphibians
(D) Mesozoic reptiles ✔

15. The theory that dinosaurs were driven to extinction by the aftermath of a large asteroid impact on Earth was given by [SSC CGL 2019]
(A) Wilhelm Rontgen
(B) Luis Alvarez ✔
(C) Henry Moseley
(D) William Crookes.

16. With reference to the evolution of living organism, which one of the following sequence is correct? [IAS (Pre) 2009]
(A) Octopus Dolphin - Shark
(B) Pangolin Tortoise - Hawk
(C) Salamander - Python - Kangaroo ✔
(D) Frog Crab - Prawn

17. Which one of the following is an example of vestigial organ in man? [CDS 2009]
(A) Jaw apparatus
(B) Ear muscles ✔
(C) Canine teeth
(D) Humerus

18. 'Archaeopteryx' is a connecting link between which of the following classes of animal? [RAS/RTS (Pre) 2008]
(A) Amphibia and Aves
(B) Reptilia and Aves ✔
(C) Reptilia and Mammalia
(D) Aves and Mammalia

19. Organs having different structure and components but perform similar functions are called ....... [SSC (10+2) 2018]
(A) Analogous organs ✔
(B) Homologous organs
(C) Heterogeneous organs
(D) Homogeneous organs

20. Latest ancestor of modern human is [BPSC (Pre) 1994]
(A) Java man
(B) Cro-Magnon man ✔
(C) Neanderthal man
(D) Peking man

21. The phrase 'Survival of the fittest' as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection was coined by [SSC 2018]
(A) Loius Pasteur
(B) Charles Babbage
(C) Herbert Spencer ✔
(D) Marie Curie

22. In the context of organic evolution, the loss of limbs in snakes is explained by the phenomenon of [IAS (Pre) 2002]
(A) use and disuse of organs. ✔
(B) adaptation to living in burrows.
(C) natural selection.
(D) inheritance of acquired characters.

23. Which of the following is the correct pair?
(A) Darwin
(B) de Vries ✔
(C) Lamarck
(D) Haldane

24. Theory of natural selection was given by
(A) Lamarck
(B) Darwin ✔
(C) Alfred Wallace
(D) JBS Haldane

25. Darwin's theory of natural selection is based on [MPPSC (Pre) 1997]
(A) Overproduction
(B) Struggle for existence and variation
(C) Survival of the fittest
(D) All of the above ✔

26. The book 'The Origin of Species' was written by [BPSC (Pre) 2019]
(A) Linnaeus
(B) Lamarck
(C) Mendel
(D) Darwin ✔

27. Among living organisms, which one of the following is the most responsible factor for bringing about the origin of a new species? [IAS (Pre) 2002]
(A) Isolation
(B) Mutation ✔
(C) Natural selection
(D) Sexual reproduction

28. The mutation theory of evolution was enunciated by [UPPSC (Pre) 2005]
(A) Huxley
(B) Darwin
(C) Lamarck
(D) Hugo de Vries ✔

29. The biological species concept of organisms is based on
(A) morphological traits
(B) evolutionary traits
(C) reproductive isolation ✔
(D) geographical isolation

30. Who proposed the Big-Bang theory?
(A) Father Saurez
(B) Abbe Lemaitre ✔
(C) Arno Allen Penzias
(D) Edwin P Hubble

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