Top 30 Cell Biology GK Questions and Answers MCQ

Cell biology, also known as cytology, is the scientific study of cells, their structure, functions, and interactions with other cells and their environment. Cells are the basic unit of life and the fundamental building blocks of all living organisms.

Cell biology involves the study of various cellular structures such as cell membranes, nucleus, cytoplasm, and organelles like mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, and more. It also includes the study of cell division, cell signaling, cellular transport mechanisms, and cellular metabolism. Cell biology has made significant contributions to many fields of science, including medicine, genetics, and biotechnology. It has helped in the development of vaccines, antibiotics, and cancer therapies.

Cell Biology MCQs with Answers 
1. Who among the following first discovered cell? [NDA 2018]
(A) Robert Brown
(B) Robert Hooke
(C) Leeuwenhoek
(D) Rudolf Virchow

2. What is a tonoplast? [IAS (Pre) 2019]
(A) Outer membrane of mitochondria.
(B) Inner membrane of chloroplast.
(C) Membrane boundary of the vacuole of plant cells.
(D) Cell membrane of a plant cell.

3. Which one of the following is smallest cell?
(A) Mycoplasma
(B) Amoeba
(C) White blood cells
(D) Red blood cells

4. Which one of the following organelles is the smallest membrane bound organelle?
(A) Ribosome
(B) Golgi bodies
(C) Lysosome
(D) Nucleolus

6. Which one of the following organelle is not found in prokaryotic cells? [NDA 2018]
(A) Cell wall
(B) Mitochondria
(C) Plasma membrane
(D) Ribosome

7. Which of the following is an exception to cell theory?
(A) Angiosperms
(B) WBCs
(C) Viruses
(D) Gymnosperms

8. In prokaryotic organisms, nuclear region is not surrounded by a membrane. This undefined nuclear region is known as [NDA/NA 2020]
(A) Nucleic acid
(B) Nucleoid
(C) Nucleolus
(D) Nucleosome

9. The innermost portion of a mature plant cell wall is the
(A) primary cell wall
(B) plasma membrane
(C) secondary cell wall
(D) plasmodesmata

10. The important functions of the plasma membrane include
(A) transport of the molecules
(B) cell recognition
(C) secretion
(D) All of the above

11. The fluid mosaic model explains
(A) only structural aspects of cell membrane.
(B) only functional aspects of cell membrane.
(C) both structural and functional aspects of cell membrane.
(D) only fluidity of membrane.

12. Which of the following phases is the longest phase in the meiotic cell division?
(A) Anaphase-II
(B) Telophase-I
(C) Prophase-I
(D) Metaphase-I

13. The living content of cell is called protoplasm. It is composed of [CDS 2016]
(A) Cytoplasm only
(B) Cytoplasm and nucleoplasm
(C) Nucleoplasm only
(D) Cytoplasm, nucleoplasm and other organelles

14. Nucleolus was discovered by
(A) Fontana
(B) Schleiden
(C) Altmann
(D) Robert Brown

15. Nucleolus is formed from specific sites on chromosomes known as ...
(A) nucleolar reorganising region
(B) nucleus forming region
(C) nucleolar organiser region
(D) None of the above

16. The yellow and orange colour of fruits and flowers are mainly due to
(A) leucoplasts
(B) chloroplast
(C) aleuroplast
(D) chromoplast

17. The enzymes of Krebs' cycle are present in the mitochondrial
(A) matrix
(B) cristae
(C) inner membrane
(D) outer membrane

18. The site of cellular respiration in animal cell is [NDA/NA 2012]
(A) ribosome
(B) mitochondria
(C) endoplasmic reticulum
(D) lysosome

19. Which one of the following groups of cellular organelles contains DNA? [NDA/NA 2018]
(A) Mitochondria, nucleus, chloroplast
(B) Mitochondria, golgi bodies, nucleus
(C) Mitochondria, plasma membrane, nucleus
(D) Chloroplast, nucleus, ribosomes

20. Which one of the following functions is not carried out by smooth endoplasmic reticulum? [NDA 2019]
(A) Transport of materials.
(B) Synthesis of lipid.
(C) Synthesis of protein.
(D) Synthesis of steroid hormone.

21. The Golgi bodies very common in the secretory cells originated from
(A) endoplasmic reticulum
(B) chloroplast
(C) mitochondria
(D) lysosome

22. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum acts as a major site for the synthesis of
(A) lipids and steroids
(B) proteins
(C) ribosomes

23. Which one of the following organelles takes part in the formation of acrosome in human sperms?
(A) Ribosome
(B) Golgi bodies
(C) Lysosome
(D) Nucleolus

24. Lysosome is formed from which of the following cell organelles? [CDS 2018]
(A) Nucleus
(B) Endoplasmic reticulum
(C) Golgi bodies
(D) Ribosomes

25. The single stack of Golgi apparatus found in plants and fungi is
(A) plasmodesmata
(B) lomasome
(C) desmotubule
(D) dictyosome

26. Important site for the formation of glycoprotein and glycolipid is
(A) lysosomes
(B) Golgi apparatus
(C) vacuoles
(D) plastids

28. Which one of the following contains powerful oxidative enzyme and helps in removing toxic substances from cells? [NDA 2006]
(A) Plastids
(B) Lysosomes
(C) Dictyosomes
(D) Peroxisomes

29. Which of the following is membrane less cell organelle?
(A) Mitochondria
(B) Ribosome
(C) Chloroplast
(D) ER

30. Which of the following organelle of a cell is involved in photosynthesis? [NDA 2009]
(A) Chloroplast
(B) Mitochondria
(C) Endoplasmic reticulum
(D) Golgi bodies

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