List of Important English Idiomatic Words Denoting
Comparisons (Similes) along with their meanings in Hindi.
No. | English Words (अंग्रेजी शब्द) | Meanings in Hindi (हिन्दी में अर्थ) |
1. | As black as coal | इतना काला जितना कोयला |
2. | As blind as a bat | इतना अन्धा जितना चमगादड़ |
3. | As busy as a bee | इतना व्यस्त जितनी मधुमक्खी |
4. | As changeable as the weathercock | इतना परिवर्तनशील जितनी हवा का रूख बताने वाली पंखी |
5. | As clear as crystal | इतना साफ जितना बिल्लौर |
6. | As cold as marble | इतना ठंडा जितना संगमरमर |
7. | As cunning as a fox | इतना मक्कार जितनी लोमड़ी |
8. | As dark as a pitch | ऐसा अन्धेरा जैसा तारकोल |
9. | As deaf as a post | ऐसा बहरा जैसा खम्बा |
10. | as dry as dust | इतना सूखा जितनी धूल |
11. | As drunk as a lord | ऐसा मदमस्त जैसा नवाब |
12. | As dumb as a statue | इतना गूंगा जितना बुत |
13. | As fresh as a rose | इतना ताजा जितना गुलाब |
14. | As gay as a lark | इतना प्रसन्न जितना लवा पक्षी |
15. | As gaudy as a butterfly | इतनी तड़क-भड़कदार जितनी तितली |
16. | As gentle as a lamb | इतना शरीफ जितना मेमना |
17. | As greedy as a wolf or dog | इतना लालची जितना भेड़िया या कुत्ता |
18. | As green as grass | ऐसा हरा जितनी घास |
19. | As happy as a king | इतना खुश जितना राजा |
20. | As harmless as a dove | इतना मासूम जितना पेडुकी |
21. | As light as air | इतना हल्का जितनी हवा |
22. | As loud as thunder | ऐसी ऊंची आवाज जैसी बिजली की गरज |
23. | As obstinate as a mule | इतना जिद्दी जितना खच्चर |
24. | As old as the hills | इतना पुराना जितनी पहाड़ियां |
25. | As pale as a ghost | इतना दर्द जितना भूत |
26. | As playful as a kitten | इतना फुर्तीला जितना बिल्ली का बच्चा |
27. | As poor as a church mouse | इतना गरीब जितना गिरजे का चूहा |
28. | As proud as a peacock | इतना गर्वीला जितना मोर |
29. | As quick as lightning | इतना तेज जितनी बिजली |
30. | As quick as thought | इतना तेज जितना विचार |
31. | As red as a rose | इतना लाल जितना गुलाब |
32. | As rich as a Jew | इतना अमीर जितने यहूदी |
33. | As ripe as a cherry | इतना पका हुआ जितना चेरी का फल |
34. | As round as a ball | इतना गोल जितनी गेंद |
35. | As sharp as a razor | इतना तेज जितना उस्तरा |
36. | As silent as the grave | इतना शान्त जितनी कब्र |
37. | As silly as a sheep | इतना मूर्ख जितनी भेड़ |
38. | As slender as a thread | इतना पतला जितना धागा |
39. | As smooth as oil | इतना चिकना जितना तेल |
40. | As soft as butter | इतना नरम जितना मक्खन |
41. | As steady as a rock | इतना स्थिर जितनी चट्टान |
42. | As strong as a horse | इतना शक्तिशाली जितना घोड़ा |
43. | As stupid as a donkey | इतना मूर्ख जितना गधा |
44. | As sure as death | ऐसा निश्चित जैसी मृत्यु |
45. | As sweet as sugar | इतना मीठा जितनी चीनी |
46. | As swift as an arrow | इतना तेज जितना बाण |
47. | As tricky as a monkey | ऐसा चालाक जैसा बंदर |
48. | As watchful as a hawk | इतना सावधान जितना बाज |
49. | As white as snow | इतना सफेद जितनी बर्फ |
50. | As wise as Solomon | इतना बुद्धिमान जितना राजा सौलोमन |