IGNOU B.Ed. Entrance Solved Teaching-Learning Question Paper 2015

IGNOU B.Ed. Entrance Exam of the year 2015 held on dated 20 September, 2015. We are giving 20 questions of Teaching-Learning and the School of this exam with answers.

IGNOU B.Ed. Entrance Exam., 2015  Teaching-Learning and the School Solved Questions
56. The major purpose of co-curricular activities in a school is to–
(A) help students achieve well-adjusted personality (B) provide relief from the usual classroom routine
(C) give students an orientation to the world of work (D) provide for the vicarious satisfaction of the needs of students (Ans : A)

57. The school curriculum should be planned to agree with–
(A) the general culture of the school in the past (B) the goals, purposes and interests of the students
(C) the training and interests of the teachers (D) the available textbooks in various subjects (Ans : B)

58. The effectiveness of school supervision must be judged in terms of–
(A) the greater community satisfaction (B) the greater personal satisfaction
(C) the reduced classroom misbehaviour (D) the greater pupil progress towards the goals of education (Ans : D)

59. The teacher's first duty is towards the–
(A) community (B) students (C) subject he/she teaches (D) school authorities (Ans : B)

60. The most important function of the teacher is to–
(A) guide students' growth (B) provide remedial help wherever needed
(C) impart effective teaching (D) maintain order and discipline in the class (Ans : D)

61. The school children are likely to suffer the worst effects educationally from a teacher who–
(A) is an emotionally immature individual (B) has partial grasp or understanding of his/ her subject
(C) cannot integrate the subject-matter (D) cannot organize his/her subject logically (Ans : A)

62. The major goal in the classroom discipline should be to promote–
(A) good study conditions (B) good student conduct
(C) quiet and order in the classroom (D) self-direction on the part of students (Ans : C)

63. As it applies to the classroom, the teacher's role in motivation is essentially a matter of–
(A) arousing needs in children (B) channelling the energies of live and alert students into constructive activities
(C) creating new interests (D) placing attractive incentives within the reach of students (Ans : C)

64. In developing a new topic or a lesson, the teacher should begin with–
(A) an overview of the subject (B) an explanation of the importance of the subject
(C) some interests already possessed by the students (D) the teacher's own interest (Ans : A)

65. If the student seems to be fatigued from the mental work, the teacher should–
(A) decrease the amount of work he/she has to do (B) provide him/her with greater variety of tasks
(C) encourage him/her to develop persistence and ask him to continue despite fatigue
(D) increase the attractiveness of the rewards to be attained on continuing (Ans : A)

66. The classroom discipline should be oriented towards–
(A) social conformity (B) personal and social adjustment (C) self-direction (D) acceptable classroom behaviour (Ans : D)

67. In order for a lesson to be effective, it is necessary for the teacher to–
(A) relate the material to the child's experience (B) organise the content so that the child can understand it as such
(C) plan the lesson systematically (D) explain the lesson giving examples and full details (Ans : B)

68. When a child asks a question regarding subject-matter, the teacher should generally–
(A) give straight answer to satisfy the child's curiosity (B) refer him to textbook or other references
(C) refer the question to another child for answer (D) help the child arrive at his/her own answer (Ans : A)

69. The rejected child is likely to be–
(A) aggressive (B) negative (C) truant (D) fearless and adventuresome (Ans : A)

70. The crucial aspect of the evaluation of school learning is–
(A) preparing tests (B) judging adequacy of performance (C) measuring growth (D) assigning grades (Ans : B)

71. In the context of school, continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) implies–
(A) continuous monitoring of teachers' performance (B) assessment of both scholastic and coscholastic aspects of learning
(C) making teacher accountable to the parents and the school (D) assessment not to be spread over the total instructional time (Ans : B)

72. A good 'Head' of an educational institution is the one who–
(A) understands what is good educational administration and applies its principles with a strong hand
(B) is particularly careful about discipline and does not compromise with misconduct or misbehaviour
(C) is flexible in his/her approach and works cooperatively and with a human touch
(D) allows freedom to the staff and the students and least interferes in their affairs (Ans : A)

73. Freedom in education implies that–
(A) students should be allowed to do any activity if it facilitates learning
(B) students should be allowed to join any course of study that they are interested in
(C) students should be allowed to do any activity they like to do or are interested in
(D) All the above are implied (Ans : D)

74. The political slogan "All human beings are equal," in fact means that–
(A) from a certain angle, all human beings are the same (B) all human beings need to be given fair or equitable treatment
(C) all human beings need to be given the same opportunities (D) all human beings need to be given equal treatment (Ans : B)

75. Objectives of education are not helpful in–
(A) understanding child development (B) selecting instructional material
(C) designing learning experiences (D) preparing evaluation tools (Ans : A)

76. In which of the following methods is the existing knowledge used to draw conclusions?
(A) Inductive reasoning method (B) Deductive reasoning method (C) Survey method (D) Discovery method (Ans : A)

77. The respect of the student for the teacher should stem primarily from the teacher's–
(A) legal authority (B) status as an adult (C) personal integrity and goodwill (D) status as a parent substitute (Ans : C)

78. The crucial aspect of scientific process is–
(A) the problem (B) the hypothesis (C) the method (D) the result (Ans : C)

79. A child who reads the numbers wrongly has the following learning disability–
(A) Dyscrasia (B) Dyslexia (C) Dyspepsia (D) Dyscalculia (Ans : D)

80. Which of the following comes first in the sequence of deriving a concept?
(A) Abstraction (B) Differentiation (C) Experiencing (D) Generalization (Ans : A)