Associate of State Bank of India Probationary Officers Exam of the year 2015 held on dated 30-11-2014. We are giving 50 questions of General Awareness, Marketing and Computer Knowledge of this exam with answers. These questions not only develop of your I.Q. but will useful for upcoming government exams also.
1. Rules for exchanging data between computers are called–
(A) programmers (B) hyperlinks (C) hyper actions
(D) procedure (E) protocols (Ans : E)
2. As per RBI guidelines banks are no longer allowed to penalise its customer for–
(A) Non-maintainers of minimum balance in cooperative accounts
(B) Non-maintained of minimum balance in current accounts
(C) Non-maintained of minimum balance in savings accounts
(D) Bouncing of cheques issued for non-availability of funds
(E) Premature withdrawal of term deposits (Ans : C)
3. How many gigabytes are there in a petabyte?
(A) 5,00,000 (B) 1,00,000 (C) 1,000 (D) 100 (E) 001 (Ans : B)
4. Subject to compliance of security features the CBS complaint Urban Cooperative Banks can offer the following types of internet banking facility to their customers–
(A) non-fund based 'view only' facility (B) payment of direct/indirect taxes
(C) online fund transfer from one account to another (D) online e-commerce facility
(E) remittance of funds through NEFT/RTGS (Ans : C)
5. Anoushka Shanker is a famous Indian–
(A) famous music director B) Guitarist (C) other than those given as options
(D) classical singer (E) Sitarist (Ans : E)
6. When a customer likes a product and talks about it, this becomes an example of–
(A) distalking (B) marketing (C) favouring
(D) soliciting (E) word of mouth advertising (Ans : E)
7. Which 0 f the following is the auto-biography of renowned politician K. Natwar Singh?
(A) Not just an accountant (B) One life is not enough
(C) My life with Rajiv and Sonia (D) The substance and the shadow
(E) Other than those given as options (Ans : B)
8. Basically the CTS-2010 standards issued by the Reserve Bank of India are–
(A) cheque forms specifications (B) systems specifications
(C) procedures specifications (D) technology specifications
(E) equipment specifications (Ans : A)
9. Which of the following instruments is in the hands of the RBI controls liquidity in the banking systems by regulating the money supply in the hands of banks that they can pump in economy?
(A) Cash revenue ratio (B) Credit deposit ratio (C) Other than given as options
(D) Capital adequate ratio (E) CASA ratio (Ans : C)
10. Which of the following banks is a public sector bank ?
(A) ICICI Bank (B) IDBI Bank (C) HDFC Bank
(D) JandK Bank (E) PNB (Ans : E)
11. The RBI has come out with a new concept of bank licensing termed as the 'Diffenentiated Bank License'. A differentiated Bank License will allow a bank to–
(A) open branches in only identified geographical areas (B) deal with only an identified class of customers
(C) offer products only in select (D) offer services to specified institutions/ customers
(E) operate on principles of universal banking (Ans : C)
12. The mission the insurance regulatory and development authority is to protect the interests of the policy holders and to–
(A) ensure orderly growth of insurance industry. (B) promote the development of financial infrastructure
(C) specify listing and transfer of securities (D) regulate business of mutual funds
(E) regulate the money and credit market (Ans : A)
13. Which of the following schemes aims at tackling malnutrition and health problems of children below the age of 6 years and their members?
(A) Kasturba Gandhi Shishu Sangopan Yojana (B) Kishore Vaigyanic Yojana
(C) Janani Suraksha Yojana (D) Other than those given as options
(E) Integrated child development services (Ans : E)
14. Which of the following country(ies) have the word 'Dinar' in its / official currency ?
1. Algeria 2. Iraq 3. Kuwait
(A) Only 3 and 2 (B) Only 1 and 2(C) Only 1
(D) Only 2 and 3 (E) All 1, 2 and 3 (Ans : E)
15. What is Pocket in relation to banking?
(A) A type of safe deposit (B) A mobile application, which can be used to send money, pay utility bills and make many other payments
(C) In alternative to Payment Banks (D) (B) and (C) both
(E) None of the above (Ans : D)
16. Which of the following is a village development project under which each member of parliament will take the responsibility for developing physical and institutional infrastructure in the identified villages?
(A) Swaran Jayanti Gram Swarozgar yojana (B) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
(C) Provision of Urban (D) National Social Assistance Programme
(E) Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (Ans : E)
17. A device designed to read information encoded into a small plastic card is–
(A) Card puncher (B) ID puncher (C) Tape puncher
(D) Badge reader (E) Magnetic tape (Ans : E)
18. The central government has recently merger of National Spot Exchange Ltd. (NSEL) with which of the following?
(A) Bombay Stock Exchange (B) Financial Technologies of India Ltd. (FTIL)
(C) Other than those given as options (D) National Stock Exchange
(E) Tech Mahindra (Ans : B)
19. Which of the following type of credit/ debit cards are not required to be swiped at the point of sale (POS), terminates instead, they have to be dipped into….. the device and the cardholder is required to key in a unique PIN to complete the transaction.
(A) Magnetic Stripe Base Debit Cards (B) Magnetic Stripe Base Credit Cards
(C) Chip Based Credit/Debit Cards (D) Cell Based Credit/Debit Cards
(E) SIM Based Credit/Debit Cards (Ans : C)
20. The unique mobile money transfer and payment service 'M-Pesa' is the trademark of ?
(A) HDFC Bank (B) IDEA Cellular (C) Vodafone
(D) ICICI Bank (E) IDBI Bank (Ans : C)
21. The United Nations arm UNHRC acronym stands for United Nations'–
(A) Human Rights Council (B) Human Rights Commission
(C) Human Resources Commission (D) Other than those given as options
(E) Human Religious Committee (Ans : A)
22. Quantitative Easing as a term which is generally used to refer to a policy, which is adaptive-
(A) Cause money from the markets (B) Put a ceiling on the loanable funds of banks
(C) Increase money supply in the economy (D) Absorb excess supply in the economy
(E) Sell assets to the financial sector (Ans : C)
23. United Nations Organisations (UNO) was set upon which of the following dates ?
(A) October 30, 1944 (B) October 31, 1945 (C) October 20, 1944
(D) October 24, 1945 (E) Other than those given as options (Ans : D)
24. Product and Brand Management is sometimes characterized as–
(A) Regional Systems (B) Segmental Organization (C) Geographical Systems
(D) Layered Organization (E) Hub and Spoke System (Ans : E)
25. The ALU and control unit of most of the microcomputer are combined and manufactured in a single silicon chip. What it is called?
(A) ALU (B) Touchpad (C) Control Unit
(D) Men chip (E) Microprocessor (Ans : E)
26. Jeffrey Fowle, an American was freed unexpectedly recently by the government of–
(A) North Korea (B) Other than those given as options (C) Syria
(D) South Korea (E) Taiwan (Ans : A)
27. National Chemical Laboratory is located at–
(A) New Delhi (B) Chandigarh (C) Hyderabad
(D) Pune (E) Other than those given as options (Ans : D)
28. Which of the following is used to write webpages ?
(A) HTML (B) Telnet (C) HTIP (D) URL (E) FTP (Ans : A)
29. Which of the following is not a valid version of MS-Office ?
(A) Office XP (B) Office 2013 (C) Office 2004
(D) Office vista (E) Office 2003 (Ans : C)
30. URL stands for…...
(A) Uniform Retail Location (B) Universal Resource List (C) Uniform Research Locator
(D) Universal Research List (E) Uniform Resource Locator (Ans : E)
31. Which of the following is an example of an input device?
(A) Monitor (B) Scanner (C) Printer (D) CD (E) Speaker (Ans : B)
32. What is the name of Mantaign's travel book?
(A) The voyage the great (B) Journal de voyage (C) Voyage de world
(D) Travel de world (E) Gullivers travel(Ans : B)
33. The employment which is created as a result of expenditure by local residents from the money earned from tourism known as–
(A) Direct employment (B) Indirect employment (C) Induced employment
(D) Generated employment (E) Day by day employment (Ans : D)
34. The integral coach factory is located at–
(A) Perambur (B) Lucknow (C) Kolkata
(D) Varanasi (E) Amethi (Ans : A)
35. Howrah-Amritsar express, having maximum number of stops among the express / mail trains, stop at–
(A) 120 (B) 111 (C) 110 (D) 70 (E) 92 (Ans : B)
36. The erstwhile Tata Airlines began Flights between Karachi and Baghdad in the year–
(A) 1950 (8) 1942 (C) 1948 (D) 1993 (E) 1932 (Ans : E)
37. Ashwini Kakkar is associated with–
(A) Thomas Cook (B) SOTC (C) Travel Corporation of India
(D) Mercury Travel (E) Super Stock Company (Ans : D)
38. Which one of the following is the implicit cost of package tour business?
(A) Accommodation cost (B) Ticket cost (C) Ground transport cost
(D) Research and Development cost (E) Travelling cost (Ans : D)
39. Which are is the core business of Travel Corporation of India after it was acquired by Thomas Cook?
(A) Out bound package tour (B) Domestic package tour (C) Inbound package tour
(D) International package tour (E) None of these (Ans : A)
40. Discrimination pricing is–
(A) how price is set in the early stages of the lifecyc1e in order to build market
(B) where price differ according to different market sectors
(C) where the price is deter-mined by the cost of the products
(D) where price is according to the afford ability of the market (Ans : B)
41. The marketing principle concerned within any organisation has to be–
(A) the close relationship between customer and product
(B) the maximum profit to the company
(C) the delivery of maximum satisfaction and value to the customer
(D) minimizing cost at every opportunity (Ans : C)
42. The set of beliefs held about a particular brand is known as the–
(A) Brand preference (B) Brand image
(C) Brand selection (D) Brand recognition (Ans : B)
43. The process of setting goals and choosing the means by which these goals will be achieved known as–
(A) Heading (B) Planning (C) Organising (D) Controlling (E) Examining (Ans : B)
44. Which are of the following is not listed in the SMART acronym for assessing a set of goals ?
(A) Realistic (B) Measurable (C) Specific (D) Adjustable (E) Timely (Ans : D)
45. The organisation chart is a way of showing–
(A) How the tasks of an organisation are divided and coordinated
(B) The physical layout of the buildings on a site
(C) The stake holders who have an interest in the company
(D) The informal patterns of communication (Ans : A)
46. The words, sounds and impressions which represent what people intend to communicate are known as–
(A) the sender (B) noise (C) symbols
(D) the channel of communication (Ans : C)
47. ....…..networks work best on complex tasks while net-works work best on simple tasks.
(A) Centralised, centralised (B) Decentralised, centralised
(C) Centralised, decentralised (D) Decentralised, decentralised (Ans : B)
48. Synchronizing cash inflows and cash outflows to optimize the cash balance included–
(A) Differing disbursements (B) Speeding up collections
(C) Combining (A) and (B) (D) Stopping payment of current liabilities (Ans : C)
49. Efficiency of a credit control system does not get influenced by–
(A) Timely billing (B) Accurate billing
(C) Compliance with the specified credit policy
(D) Cash discount availed by the customers (Ans : D)
50. Capital rationing arises due to–
(A) Imperfection of the capital market (B) Deliberate decision of the management
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B) (Ans : C)
1. Rules for exchanging data between computers are called–
(A) programmers (B) hyperlinks (C) hyper actions
(D) procedure (E) protocols (Ans : E)
2. As per RBI guidelines banks are no longer allowed to penalise its customer for–
(A) Non-maintainers of minimum balance in cooperative accounts
(B) Non-maintained of minimum balance in current accounts
(C) Non-maintained of minimum balance in savings accounts
(D) Bouncing of cheques issued for non-availability of funds
(E) Premature withdrawal of term deposits (Ans : C)
3. How many gigabytes are there in a petabyte?
(A) 5,00,000 (B) 1,00,000 (C) 1,000 (D) 100 (E) 001 (Ans : B)
4. Subject to compliance of security features the CBS complaint Urban Cooperative Banks can offer the following types of internet banking facility to their customers–
(A) non-fund based 'view only' facility (B) payment of direct/indirect taxes
(C) online fund transfer from one account to another (D) online e-commerce facility
(E) remittance of funds through NEFT/RTGS (Ans : C)
5. Anoushka Shanker is a famous Indian–
(A) famous music director B) Guitarist (C) other than those given as options
(D) classical singer (E) Sitarist (Ans : E)
6. When a customer likes a product and talks about it, this becomes an example of–
(A) distalking (B) marketing (C) favouring
(D) soliciting (E) word of mouth advertising (Ans : E)
7. Which 0 f the following is the auto-biography of renowned politician K. Natwar Singh?
(A) Not just an accountant (B) One life is not enough
(C) My life with Rajiv and Sonia (D) The substance and the shadow
(E) Other than those given as options (Ans : B)
8. Basically the CTS-2010 standards issued by the Reserve Bank of India are–
(A) cheque forms specifications (B) systems specifications
(C) procedures specifications (D) technology specifications
(E) equipment specifications (Ans : A)
9. Which of the following instruments is in the hands of the RBI controls liquidity in the banking systems by regulating the money supply in the hands of banks that they can pump in economy?
(A) Cash revenue ratio (B) Credit deposit ratio (C) Other than given as options
(D) Capital adequate ratio (E) CASA ratio (Ans : C)
10. Which of the following banks is a public sector bank ?
(A) ICICI Bank (B) IDBI Bank (C) HDFC Bank
(D) JandK Bank (E) PNB (Ans : E)
11. The RBI has come out with a new concept of bank licensing termed as the 'Diffenentiated Bank License'. A differentiated Bank License will allow a bank to–
(A) open branches in only identified geographical areas (B) deal with only an identified class of customers
(C) offer products only in select (D) offer services to specified institutions/ customers
(E) operate on principles of universal banking (Ans : C)
12. The mission the insurance regulatory and development authority is to protect the interests of the policy holders and to–
(A) ensure orderly growth of insurance industry. (B) promote the development of financial infrastructure
(C) specify listing and transfer of securities (D) regulate business of mutual funds
(E) regulate the money and credit market (Ans : A)
13. Which of the following schemes aims at tackling malnutrition and health problems of children below the age of 6 years and their members?
(A) Kasturba Gandhi Shishu Sangopan Yojana (B) Kishore Vaigyanic Yojana
(C) Janani Suraksha Yojana (D) Other than those given as options
(E) Integrated child development services (Ans : E)
14. Which of the following country(ies) have the word 'Dinar' in its / official currency ?
1. Algeria 2. Iraq 3. Kuwait
(A) Only 3 and 2 (B) Only 1 and 2(C) Only 1
(D) Only 2 and 3 (E) All 1, 2 and 3 (Ans : E)
15. What is Pocket in relation to banking?
(A) A type of safe deposit (B) A mobile application, which can be used to send money, pay utility bills and make many other payments
(C) In alternative to Payment Banks (D) (B) and (C) both
(E) None of the above (Ans : D)
16. Which of the following is a village development project under which each member of parliament will take the responsibility for developing physical and institutional infrastructure in the identified villages?
(A) Swaran Jayanti Gram Swarozgar yojana (B) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
(C) Provision of Urban (D) National Social Assistance Programme
(E) Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (Ans : E)
17. A device designed to read information encoded into a small plastic card is–
(A) Card puncher (B) ID puncher (C) Tape puncher
(D) Badge reader (E) Magnetic tape (Ans : E)
18. The central government has recently merger of National Spot Exchange Ltd. (NSEL) with which of the following?
(A) Bombay Stock Exchange (B) Financial Technologies of India Ltd. (FTIL)
(C) Other than those given as options (D) National Stock Exchange
(E) Tech Mahindra (Ans : B)
19. Which of the following type of credit/ debit cards are not required to be swiped at the point of sale (POS), terminates instead, they have to be dipped into….. the device and the cardholder is required to key in a unique PIN to complete the transaction.
(A) Magnetic Stripe Base Debit Cards (B) Magnetic Stripe Base Credit Cards
(C) Chip Based Credit/Debit Cards (D) Cell Based Credit/Debit Cards
(E) SIM Based Credit/Debit Cards (Ans : C)
20. The unique mobile money transfer and payment service 'M-Pesa' is the trademark of ?
(A) HDFC Bank (B) IDEA Cellular (C) Vodafone
(D) ICICI Bank (E) IDBI Bank (Ans : C)
21. The United Nations arm UNHRC acronym stands for United Nations'–
(A) Human Rights Council (B) Human Rights Commission
(C) Human Resources Commission (D) Other than those given as options
(E) Human Religious Committee (Ans : A)
22. Quantitative Easing as a term which is generally used to refer to a policy, which is adaptive-
(A) Cause money from the markets (B) Put a ceiling on the loanable funds of banks
(C) Increase money supply in the economy (D) Absorb excess supply in the economy
(E) Sell assets to the financial sector (Ans : C)
23. United Nations Organisations (UNO) was set upon which of the following dates ?
(A) October 30, 1944 (B) October 31, 1945 (C) October 20, 1944
(D) October 24, 1945 (E) Other than those given as options (Ans : D)
24. Product and Brand Management is sometimes characterized as–
(A) Regional Systems (B) Segmental Organization (C) Geographical Systems
(D) Layered Organization (E) Hub and Spoke System (Ans : E)
25. The ALU and control unit of most of the microcomputer are combined and manufactured in a single silicon chip. What it is called?
(A) ALU (B) Touchpad (C) Control Unit
(D) Men chip (E) Microprocessor (Ans : E)
26. Jeffrey Fowle, an American was freed unexpectedly recently by the government of–
(A) North Korea (B) Other than those given as options (C) Syria
(D) South Korea (E) Taiwan (Ans : A)
27. National Chemical Laboratory is located at–
(A) New Delhi (B) Chandigarh (C) Hyderabad
(D) Pune (E) Other than those given as options (Ans : D)
28. Which of the following is used to write webpages ?
(A) HTML (B) Telnet (C) HTIP (D) URL (E) FTP (Ans : A)
29. Which of the following is not a valid version of MS-Office ?
(A) Office XP (B) Office 2013 (C) Office 2004
(D) Office vista (E) Office 2003 (Ans : C)
30. URL stands for…...
(A) Uniform Retail Location (B) Universal Resource List (C) Uniform Research Locator
(D) Universal Research List (E) Uniform Resource Locator (Ans : E)
31. Which of the following is an example of an input device?
(A) Monitor (B) Scanner (C) Printer (D) CD (E) Speaker (Ans : B)
32. What is the name of Mantaign's travel book?
(A) The voyage the great (B) Journal de voyage (C) Voyage de world
(D) Travel de world (E) Gullivers travel(Ans : B)
33. The employment which is created as a result of expenditure by local residents from the money earned from tourism known as–
(A) Direct employment (B) Indirect employment (C) Induced employment
(D) Generated employment (E) Day by day employment (Ans : D)
34. The integral coach factory is located at–
(A) Perambur (B) Lucknow (C) Kolkata
(D) Varanasi (E) Amethi (Ans : A)
35. Howrah-Amritsar express, having maximum number of stops among the express / mail trains, stop at–
(A) 120 (B) 111 (C) 110 (D) 70 (E) 92 (Ans : B)
36. The erstwhile Tata Airlines began Flights between Karachi and Baghdad in the year–
(A) 1950 (8) 1942 (C) 1948 (D) 1993 (E) 1932 (Ans : E)
37. Ashwini Kakkar is associated with–
(A) Thomas Cook (B) SOTC (C) Travel Corporation of India
(D) Mercury Travel (E) Super Stock Company (Ans : D)
38. Which one of the following is the implicit cost of package tour business?
(A) Accommodation cost (B) Ticket cost (C) Ground transport cost
(D) Research and Development cost (E) Travelling cost (Ans : D)
39. Which are is the core business of Travel Corporation of India after it was acquired by Thomas Cook?
(A) Out bound package tour (B) Domestic package tour (C) Inbound package tour
(D) International package tour (E) None of these (Ans : A)
40. Discrimination pricing is–
(A) how price is set in the early stages of the lifecyc1e in order to build market
(B) where price differ according to different market sectors
(C) where the price is deter-mined by the cost of the products
(D) where price is according to the afford ability of the market (Ans : B)
41. The marketing principle concerned within any organisation has to be–
(A) the close relationship between customer and product
(B) the maximum profit to the company
(C) the delivery of maximum satisfaction and value to the customer
(D) minimizing cost at every opportunity (Ans : C)
42. The set of beliefs held about a particular brand is known as the–
(A) Brand preference (B) Brand image
(C) Brand selection (D) Brand recognition (Ans : B)
43. The process of setting goals and choosing the means by which these goals will be achieved known as–
(A) Heading (B) Planning (C) Organising (D) Controlling (E) Examining (Ans : B)
44. Which are of the following is not listed in the SMART acronym for assessing a set of goals ?
(A) Realistic (B) Measurable (C) Specific (D) Adjustable (E) Timely (Ans : D)
45. The organisation chart is a way of showing–
(A) How the tasks of an organisation are divided and coordinated
(B) The physical layout of the buildings on a site
(C) The stake holders who have an interest in the company
(D) The informal patterns of communication (Ans : A)
46. The words, sounds and impressions which represent what people intend to communicate are known as–
(A) the sender (B) noise (C) symbols
(D) the channel of communication (Ans : C)
47. ....…..networks work best on complex tasks while net-works work best on simple tasks.
(A) Centralised, centralised (B) Decentralised, centralised
(C) Centralised, decentralised (D) Decentralised, decentralised (Ans : B)
48. Synchronizing cash inflows and cash outflows to optimize the cash balance included–
(A) Differing disbursements (B) Speeding up collections
(C) Combining (A) and (B) (D) Stopping payment of current liabilities (Ans : C)
49. Efficiency of a credit control system does not get influenced by–
(A) Timely billing (B) Accurate billing
(C) Compliance with the specified credit policy
(D) Cash discount availed by the customers (Ans : D)
50. Capital rationing arises due to–
(A) Imperfection of the capital market (B) Deliberate decision of the management
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B) (Ans : C)