Punjab TET Solved Question Papers Previous Year

We are giving 30 questions with answers of Child Development and Pedagogy of Punjab Teacher Eligibility Test (PTET) exam. These questions not only develop of your I.Q. but will useful for upcoming government exams also.

1. A development perspective involves concern with changes occurring over time in–
(A) form (B) rate (C) sequence (D) All of these (Ans : D)

2. Which one of theories of intelligence advocates the presence of general intelligence 'g' and specific intelligence's' ?
(A) Anarchic theory (B) Guilford's theory of intellect
(C) Spearman's two factor theory (D) Vernon's hierarchical theory (Ans : C)

3. The thinking process involved in producing an idea or concept that is new, original and useful is termed as–
(A) creativity (B) innovation (C) intelligence (D) synectics (Ans : A)

4. Which of the following is NOT an example of discrete variable?
(A) age (B) gender (C) marital status (D) place of residence (Ans : A)

5. Ramesh and Ankit have the same IQ of 120. Ramesh is two years younger than Ankit. If Ankit is 12 years old, then the mental age of Ramesh is–
(A) 9 years (B) 10 years (C) 12 years (D) 14 years (Ans : C)

Also See : Punjab TET Social Studies/ Social Science Solved Paper

6. The transmission of traits from parents to off-springs is called–
(A) environment (B) genes (C) heredity (D) homeostasis (Ans : C)

7. Which of the following is NOT an element of learning event?
(A) learner (B) internal conditions (C) stimulus (D) teacher (Ans : C)

8. An appropriate form of assessing students' performance in praticals is–
(A) interview (B) observation (C) questionnaire (D) written test (Ans : A)

9. Which of the following is NOT the benefit of integrating student-centred learning into the curriculum?
(A) Strengthens student motivation (B) promotes peer communication
(C) builds student-teacher relationships (D) hinders discovery/active learning (Ans : B)

10. Which one of the following theories view that behaviour could be shaped through successive approximation and reinforcement of responses more nearly approaching desired behaviour?
(A) Classical conditioning (B) instrumental conditioning
(C) operant conditioning (D) social learning (Ans : C)

11. A process by which a parent assumes that his child's traits are all positive because one trait is positive is termed as–
(A) halo effect (B) hawthorne effect (C) law of effect (D) reverse hallo effect (Ans : A)

12. children with speech impairment can be assisted by–
(A) encouraging them to ex-press thoughts in the classroom (B) helping him/her to pronounce correct sounds
(C) helping him/her to hear his/ her spoken errors (D) referral to specialist for complete evaluation (Ans : A)

13. The gifted child–
(A) learns rapidly and easily (B) retains what he/she has heard or read without much rote drill
(C) reasons things out (D) attends to stimuli for a shorter period (Ans : C)

14. Which one of the following cues does NOT indicate visual problems in the children?
(A) difficulty in following direction (B) frowning
(C) stumbling (D) unable to estimate distance (Ans : C)

15. The type of evaluation which is used to monitor learning progress during instruction is called as–
(A) diagnostic evaluation (B) formative evaluation
(C) placement evaluation (D) summative evaluation (Ans : B)

16. Which of the following theories identifies four stages of child's intellectual development (sensory-motor, pre-operational, concrete operational and formal operational) ?
(A) Erickson's theory of Psycho-social development
(B) Freud's theory of Psycho-sexual development
(C) Jean Piaget's theory of congnitive development
(D) Kohlberg's theory of moral development (Ans : C)

17. Images, concepts, symbols and signs, language, muscle activities and brain functions are involved in–
(A) adaptation (B) motor development
(C) problem solving (D) thinking process (Ans : D)

18. The first stage in the learning of a skill is–
(A) precision (B) manipulation (C) coordination (D) imitation (Ans : D)

19. Slow learners whose educational attainment falls below their natural abilities are labelled as–
(A) backward (B) gifted (C) juvenile delinquent (D) mentally retarded (Ans : A)

20. Which one of the following is the better item of essay type of question?
(A) Discuss Newton's laws of motion (B) Explain each of Newton's three laws of motion
(C) What are Newton's laws of motion? (D) Write note on Newton's laws of motion (Ans : B)

21. Special needs education is the type of education–
(A) given to very special people (B) given to persons with disabilities
(C) provided to intelligent people (D) established by colonial masters
(Ans : B)

22. Self study habit can be developed in children by–
(A) citing examples of great people (B) giving lecture on self study
(C) giving your own example (D) making new literature available (Ans : D)

23. Communication with students means–
(A) asking them to do a task (B) exchange of ideas
(C) giving them directions (D) informing them of your idea (Ans : B)

24. Which of the following is NOT an example of a concrete concept?
(A) ability (B) chair (C) force (D) motion (Ans : A)

25. Which one of the following is an example of reinforcement?
(A) No Lata, the answer is not 45 (B) Kamla, can't you help Keerti with her answer
(C) Oh no, as usual, you are wrong (D) Suniti, you have said rightly (Ans : D)

26. When delivering an effective lecture in classroom, a teacher–
(A) establishes an eye contact (B) employs meaningful gestures
(C) stands stationary at lecture stand (D) varies pitch and tone (Ans : B)

27. For introducing a topic in class-room, what activity should a teacher do first?
(A) explain the rationale (B) inform the objectives
(C) tell topic orally (D) write topic on chalkboard (Ans : D)

28. Motivation begins with needs exists in all of us, The need, that the student would tend to fulfil first pertains to–
(A) esteem (B) physiological (C) social (D) self actualization (Ans : B)

29. An example of media that transports learners to remote places by means of visualized report is–
(A) educational television (B) educational broadcasts
(C) overhead projector (D) telephone (Ans : A)

30. The reading technique that would be employed to locate terms and references in an index or thesaurus is–
(A) key-reading (B) re-reading (C) scanning (D) skimming (Ans : A)

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