250+ One Word Substitution in English for Competitive Exams 2023

one word substitution

One Word Substitution in English for Competitive Exams 2023: One Word Substitution is the most important topic for IBPS, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL and UPSC Exam as questions from this topic come every year in the English Language and Comprehension Section. Here you can learn the complete list of one-word substitution that is important for the competitive and government jobs exams. One-word substitution means a single word for a number of words, expressions, phrases, or even clauses.

List of Best One Word Substitutions
● The life history of a man written by himself. = Autobiography
● A person who believes that there is no God. = Atheist
● A medicine that counteracts the effects of poison. = Antidote
● A person who does something not professionally but for pleasure. = Amateur
● A person residing in a country of which he is not a citizen. = Alien
● That does not bear the name of the writer. = Anonymous
● Government by a ruler who has unlimited power. = Autocracy
● A diplomatic representative of one country in another. = Ambassador
● A traveler in space. = Astronaut
● An assembly of listeners. = Audience
● To give up the throne. = Abdicate
● A medicine that prevents infection by killing germs. = Antiseptic
● The science of vegetable life. = Botany
● The science which treats life. = Biology
● Government by the officials = Bureaucracy
● The life history of a man written by someone else. = Biography
● One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views. = Bigot
● Festival of the hundredth anniversary. = Centenary
● The man who can eat human flesh. = Cannibal
● Place for burials other than a churchyard. = Cemetery
● Place for cremating dead bodies. = Crematorium
● A person who is free from national prejudices. = Cosmopolitan
● People working together in the same office or department. = Colleague
● Belonging to the same time. = Contemporary
● Substance designed to make the skin or hair more beautiful. = Cosmetics
● That can be believed. = Credible
● The state of being unmarried. = Celibacy
● He is an artist that draws comic pictures. = Caricaturist
● A government of the people by the people and for the people. = Democracy
● A battle or a match in which neither party wins. = Drawn
● Want of rain. = Drought
● A disease that spreads over a large area. = Epidemic
● Articles sent from one country to another. = Export
● Which is fit to be eaten. = Edible
● A selfish person who always thinks of himself. = Egoist
● Fit to be chosen. = Eligible
● A person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another. = Emigrant
● A speech delivered without previous preparation. = Extempore
● Words inscribed on the graves. = Epitaph
● One who believes in fate. = Fatalist

● Which may cause death. = Fatal
● A man residing in a country of which he is not a citizen. = Foreigner
● A medicine that kills germs. = Germicide
● A person who eats too much. = Glutton
● An office for which no salary is paid. = Honorary
● Killing of a human being especially by another. = Homicide
● That which cannot be read. = Illegible
● A person who comes to one country from another in order to settle there. = Immigrant
● Which cannot be heard. = Inaudible
● Which is difficult to believe. = Incredible
● Which cannot be conquered. = Invincible
● One who can neither read nor write. = Illiterate
● Which cannot be imitated. = Inimitable
● Which cannot be corrected. = Incorrigible
● The killing of newborn children. = Infanticide
● That which cannot be repaired. = Irreparable
● Which cannot be removed. = Indelible
● Person unable to pay debts. = Insolvent
● Which cannot be reached. = Inaccessible
● That which is contrary to law. = Illegal
● Capable of catching fire easily. = Inflammable
● One who lacks knowledge. = Ignorant
● One who knows many languages. = Linguist
● Room or building used for scientific experiments. = Laboratory
● Hand-written matter. = Manuscript
● Person who is caused to suffer for a great cause. = Martyr
● A person working for money. = Mercenary
● An established principle of practical wisdom. = Maxim
● A place where dead bodies are kept before post-mortem. = Mortuary
● A person who hates mankind. = Misanthropist
● Widely known for bad works. = Notorious
● A hollow space in a wall for a statue. = Niche
● Giving of special favor by a person in a high position to his relatives. = Nepotism
● Person who eats meat. = Non-vegetarian
● One who is new to a profession. = Novice
● The street is not wide. = Narrow
● A word or custom which is no longer in use. = Obsolete
● A person who looks at the bright side of things. = Optimist
● A child whose parents are dead. = Orphan
● All-powerful. = Omnipotent
● A garden of fruits. = Orchard
● Holding conventional beliefs in matters of religion. = Orthodox
● That which cannot be seen through. = Opaque
● One who is present everywhere. = Omnipresent
● One who knows everything. = Omniscient
● Medical examination of a dead body. = Postmortem
● A person who looks at the dark side of things. = Pessimist
● A remedy for all kinds of diseases. = Panacea
● One who lives on another. = Parasite
● A lover of mankind. = Philanthropist
● One who goes on a journey to a holy place. = Pilgrim
● Child, born after the death of the father. = Posthumous
● The practice of having more than one husband at the same time. = Polyandry
● One who collects postage stamps. = Philatelist
● A man who has more than one wife. = Polygamist
● A writer who steals ideas from another. = Plagiarist
● Very exact or scrupulous in the observance of forms of etiquette, ceremony or behavior. = Punctitious
● One who has a great love for one's country. = Patriot
● One who lives alone and avoids people. = Recluse
● Killing of one's own self. = Suicide
● One who speaks on behalf of others. = Spokesman
● A thing that is not fresh. = Stale
● One who loads and unloads ships. = Stevedore
● One who abstains completely from alcoholic liquor. = Teetotaller
● Person who believes that there is God. = Theist

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