Political Science Test Questions

Political Science Test Questions
1. Which one of the following combinations has all federal states?
(A) U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Sri Lanka
(B) France, Malaysia, Canada, U.S.A.
(C) Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Canada
(D) U.S.A., Australia, Malaysia, Canada
Ans: (D)

2. Which one of the following is NOT included in Max Weber’s three-fold classification of authority ?
(A) Charismatic (B) Moral
(C) Legal rational (D) Traditional
Ans: (B)

3. Who among the following is associated with the thesis of Development and Underdevelopment?
(A) Rosa Luxemberg (B) Paul Baran
(C) Che Guevara (D) Andre Gunder Frank
Ans: (D)

4. Who among the following was the first President of AITUC?
(A) Josph Baptisata (B) Lala Lajpat Rai
(C) B.P. Wadia (D) P.C. Joshi
Ans: (B)

5. Who among the following is associated with Eco-Feminism?
(A) Suman Sahi (B) Sabana Azmi
(C) Vandana Shiva (D) Arundhati Roy
Ans: (D)

6. Which one of the following postulates is not propounded by Hans J. Morgenthau?
(A) The master-key of realist theory is the concept of interest defined in terms of power
(B) States are the principal actors in international politics
(C) Power is man’s control over the minds and activities of other men
(D) Nations employ power for the good life of their Citizens and the Citizen alone
Ans: (D)

7. The Realist Theory in international relations is based on the three assumptions. Which one of the following is NOT the basic assumption ?
(A) Statesmen desire and pursue their national interests
(B) In pursuit of national interests, statesmen take into account moral principles
(C) National interest of each State lies is the expansion of its influence
(D) States use their power or influence in the protection and promotion of the interests
Ans: (B)

8. Which one of the following is NOT the working principle of balance of power model of
Mortan Kaplan’s General Systems Approach?
(A) The nations oppose any one nation or a coalition from acquiring a preponderant position
(B) Each nation seeks to increase its power without war
(C) A defeated nation is not permitted re-entry into the system
(D) Every nation seeks to protect its national interests even at the risk of war
Ans: (C)

9. The line adopted by Harold Sprout and Margaret Sprout in the decision making approach lays—
(A) equal emphasis on the personality and environmental factors
(B) greater emphasis on the environmental factors
(C) greater emphasis on the personality
(D) no emphasis on the personality as well as environmental factors
Ans: (B)

10. Which one of the following is NOT among the three main characteristics of decision-making as asserted by Richard C. Snyder ?
(A) Sphere of Competition (B) Communication and Information
(C) Litigation (D) Motivation
Ans: (C)

11. Who among the following does NOT agree on the central importance of the State in international relations ?
(A) Pluralist (B) Realists
(C) Neo-realists (D) Structural realists
Ans: (A)

12. Which one of the following is NOT a central argument of neoliberalism?
(A) Market makes optimum use of resources
(B) For strengthening the range of choice, enabling resources should be provided to individuals
and groups
(C) A planned economy is inefficient and wasteful
(D) Appropriation of knowledge and technology into production and use is immediate and more
effective in an economy dominated by the private sector
Ans: (D)

13. Which one of the following processes does NOT form a part of structural adjustment?
(A) loosening control over trade and tariff
(B) facilitating currency exchange
(C) leaving more resources for  the market in making investment decisions
(D) re-organising the pay-scales of public sector employees
Ans: (D)

14. The first Systematic Classification of Government was given by—
(A) Aristotle (B) Plato
(C) Socrates (D) Montesquieu
Ans: (B)

15. The Concept of Social Capital has been put forward by—
(A) V.S. Naipaul (B) Robert Putnam
(C) Samuel Huntington (D) Edward Said
Ans: (B)

16. Max Weber focused in his works on—
(A) Constitution of States (B) Legal Structure
(C) Legitimacy of Government (D) Forms of Government
Ans: (B)

17. Which one of the following is NOT a common feature of federalism in U.S.A. and India?
(A) Distribution of powers between the union and the states
(B) The existence of the Supreme Court
(C) Two sets of judicial organizations
(D) Written Constitution
Ans: (C)

18. The German Chancellor is elected—
(A) directly by the people
(B) by the Bundsrat (Upper House)
(C) by the Bundestag (House of Representatives)
(D) by both the Houses (Bundestag and Bundesrat)
Ans: (C)

19. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct in respect of China?
(A) The Cultural Revolution (1964–1974) was not a success
(B) The Communist Party of China is organized on the basis of democratic centralism
(C) The Chinese Constitution provides for a uniform judicial  system
(D) Mao’s ideas of ‘New Democracy, have been put into practice in China
Ans: (A)

20. ‘Democracy is desirable because the aggregate satisfaction it offers is better than that in other systems of rule,’ is the argument forwarded by—
(A) Liberals (B) Utilitarians
(C) Marxist (D) Socialists
Ans: (B)

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